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Assistant Professor-Tenure System: Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics (MATH) and the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University (MSU)invite applications for two open rank tenure system positions in applied and computational mathematics beginning Fall 2024, jointly appointed between MATH and CMSE.
The MATH Department at MSU represents all areas of mathematics and has leading research groups in both pure and applied mathematics. Active research areas in applied and computational mathematics include Numerical Analysis, Mathematics Physics, Scientific Computing, Applied Partial Differential Equations, Optimization, Inverse Problems and Imaging, and the Mathematics of Data, Computation and Inference, with cross cutting research at the interfaces of these important areas. In conjunction with these research activities, the Math Department is home to a vibrant postdoctoral program and a vibrant PhD program. The Math department supports BS degrees in Mathematics, Actuarial Science, and Computational Mathematics, as well as an Advanced Mathematics undergraduate program, with many students continuing to advanced degrees.
The CMSE Department, jointly administered by the College of Natural Science and the College of Engineering,is one of the newest units at MSU. Founded in 2015, CMSE recognizes computation as the “triple junction” of algorithm development and analysis; high performance computing; and applications to scientific and engineering modeling and data science. The CMSE department hosts leading faculty groups whose research spans a broad collection of foci, including Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Computational Bioinformatics, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Machine Learning, Numerical Partial Differential Equations, Optimization, Scientific Computing, Statistical Data Analysis, and Topological Data Analysis. In conjunction with these research activities, the CMSE department boasts a strong PhD program and a dynamic postdoctoral program. The CMSE Department offers BS and MS degrees in Data Science with minors in Data Science and CMSE.
The jointly appointed open rank positions are established on strong bonds between the two departments, and preference will be given to applicants with research in applied and computational harmonicanalysis, numerical partial differential equations, and optimization, or working at their interfaces. The successful candidates will have demonstrated the ability to carry out cutting edge research, commitments to teaching and mentorship of students, and initiative in building an equitable and diverse scholarly and instructional environment. While we expect the appointment to be at the assistant professor level, an appointment at the level of associate or full professor can also be considered depending on the experience of the candidate. Preference will be given to candidates with at least 2 years of experience beyond the Ph.D.
We request that applications include:
1.One-page cover letter that frames the application in the context of the ad of this joint-search and addresses the relation of the candidate’s research to the areas of research preference.
2.CV, including a list of publications, a history of external funding, contributed and invited talks, teaching and mentoring roles, contributions to the academic community, and efforts in public outreach.
3.A two-to-sixpage research statement highlighting past research accomplishments and future plans that frame the applicant’s ability to conduct independent research.This statement should include experience orplans to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within the applied and computational mathematics research community.
4.A two-to-three-page teaching statement describing the applicant’s experience in instruction and research mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, including experiences or plans to create an inclusive and equitable learning environment for students.
5.Four (4) letters of reference. Three of these letters should address the applicant’s research while one letter should address the applicant’s instructional experience.
Applications should be submitted via mathjobs.org. A background check is required for employment.
The evaluation process will begin onOctober 16, 2023, and review of applications will continue until the positions are filled.Questions may be directed to the chair of the search committee, Prof. Jianliang Qian (jqian@msu.edu).
Applicants are encouraged to explore the MSU Department of Mathematics website at https://math.msu.eduand Department of CMSE website at https://cmse.msu.edu.

MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer and is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The University actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans, and persons with disabilities. MSU is committed to providing a work environment that supports employees' work and personal life and offers employment assistance to the spose or partner of candidates for faculty and academic staff positions. 

Mathematics/CMSE Joint Search Process (2023-2024)

The two departments have been approved for the search of two jointly appointed tenure system faculty positions in the field of computational and applied mathematics in the 2023-24 academic year. This document provides a narrative of our search procedure for these two positions.

Search Committee

Mathew Hedden, Professor, Mathematics
Mark Iwen, Associate Professor, Mathematics/CMSE
Elizabeth Munch, Associate Professor, CMSE/Mathematics
Jianliang Qian, Professor, Mathematics/CMSE
Rongrong Wang, Associate Professor, CMSE/Mathematics
Vera Zeidan, Professor, Mathematics
Chair of the search committee: Jianliang Qian
Affirmative action advocate: Mathew Hedden

Search committee procedures

In consultation with the CNS hiring guide and the two chairs, the chair of the search committee will call regular meetings of the search committee during the entire search process to carry out all the relevant tasks, such as screening and interviewing. The chair of the search committee may also assign ad-hoc duties to individual committee members as the chair deems necessary. We will use the NSF criteria to define conflict of interest in the search process (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/nsf04_23/appb.jsp). The committee members are required to disclose any such conflicts. If such conflicts arise, the committee will make careful arrangements to take into account the policy of excluding the conflicted member from the process of evaluating the corresponding applicant. The committeewill pay particular attention to ensure that the search process is fair and equitable by dealing with such conflicts carefully.
Since committee members have different teaching schedules, committee meetings will be called if there is a quorum, and the committee members will take turns taking minutes. All the decisions, such as finalizing screening results at each stage and finalizing the interview/alternate list, will be voted upon by the entire committee, and the relevant decisions will be carried if a majority of votes are positive.


Venues: The mathjobs.org website is the clearinghouse for all US mathematics tenure stream positions. This universal platform attracts a large, diverse pool of applicants. Essentially all applicants for mathematics tenure system positions are aware of this platform and all positions are advertised here.
We will also advertise with the Association for Women in Mathematics and the National Association of Mathematicians, an organization with the mission of promoting the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities. We will also advertise this position on the Math Alliance jobs posting website.
In addition, the approved job advertisement will be posted on the following websites:
● Chronicle of Higher Education
● DiversityJobs.com
● Diversity.com
● Diverse: Higher Education
● Diversity Workers
● Inside Higher Ed
● Nature
● NewScientistjobs.com
● Science
● Society for Advancement for Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Active recruiting strategies will also be considered. We will ask the faculty in our departments to nominate suitable candidates, such as those from traditionally excluded groups. The committee will then contact these candidates to invite them to apply for the position.

Search Timeline and Overall Plan

Length of posting before review begins: we will post the job advertisement externally as soon as we receive approval (tentatively by August 16, 2023) and start to review the applications on October 16, 2023. The posting will remain open until the positions are filled.
Materials requested: Cover letter, CV, research statement, teaching statement, and four letters of recommendation (three which address research and one which must address the applicant’s teaching ability the “teaching letter”). Applicants will be instructed to integrate DEI effort and impact into their research and teaching statements as appropriate.
Wording/scope: Both positions will be advertised as open rank tenure stream positions in applied and computational mathematics with preference for candidates working on applied and computational harmonic analysis, numerical partial differential equations, optimization, or working at their interfaces or in applications. Preference will be given to hiring at the assistant professor level, but exceptional candidates at higher rank will be considered as well.
Selection Process and Stages: We anticipate 300-400 applications for the two positions. To accommodate the large numbers of applicants we propose a three-pass screening process.
1.The goal of the first screening is to reduce the number of applicants to approximately 100. The committee will evaluate CVs, publication lists, research and teaching statements using pre-established criteria and rubrics. Letters of recommendation will not be requested at this stage. The search committee will present this list to the CNS hiring guide for review. Pending a positive outcome, the search will move to the second pass.
2.The second screening will produce a short list targeted at approximately 30 names. The committee will evaluate CVs, publication lists, research and teaching statements, and the committee will also evaluate recommendation letters. The second-pass list will be presented to the CNS hiring guide for review. Pending a positive outcome, the search will move to the selection of the I3 interview/alternate list.
3.The third screening selects the interview/alternate list. At this stage, the committee will present the shortlisted candidates to the chairs and the faculty of the two departments. The chairs from both departments, in consultation with the Search Committee, will select the cut-off for the level of support required for a candidate to make the interview or the alternate list. The list will be submitted to the CNS hiring guide and to IDI for approval.
The Department of Mathematics has traditionally had an agreement with Institutional Diversity and Inclusion (IDI) that candidates can apply through Mathjobs.org with a secondary application made to Page-Up for those candidates who are placed on the IDI Interview-Alternate list. We will provide CNS and I3 with access to Mathjobs applications and to aggregated diversity data.
The joint search committee will consult with the CNS hiring guide as required at each selection pass. If needed to increase the pool of qualified applicants and/or their diversity, the committee will review candidates through two review periods: one for candidates that apply by the advertised review-begins-date, and a second for those that apply later, but before January 10th. The first review period will target interviews in late November to January; the second will target interviews in late January to 
early February. Both review periods will use the same process, with targets for the second process adjusted proportionally based upon the number of later applicants.

Evaluation Criteria, Assessments, and Rubrics

We are expecting roughly 300 to 400 applicants. According to our proposed three-stage screening process, we will evaluate each applicant comprehensively and thoroughly. To read more about this. Read this