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Bachelor of Science Degree in Data Science

msu data science

The Bachelor of Science degree in data science is designed to provide a solid
background in a broad range of computational techniques, mathematical modeling, data manipulation, the practice of statistical thinking, ethical issues related to data, and application domains in data science. 

Graduates of the MSU Data Science program will be prepared to lead successful careers as data scientists, machine learning engineers, quantitative scientists, and to perform as life-long learners, adept at contributing to our rapidly evolving data-driven society.

Informational Documents:

Summary of Major in Data Science

Major in Data Science Planning Guide

Comparison of MSU Data Science Degrees

If you have questions about this new major, contact:

Director of Undergraduate Studies in CMSE, cmseug@msu.edu

CMSE word cloud

Students who complete an MSU Bachelor’s of Science in Data Science will be able to:

  • Apply data science to solve real-world problems
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and innovation skills in the design of data science techniques as applied to data curation, analysis, algorithm development, descriptive and predictive modeling, visualization, and decision making
  • Communicate and collaborate in a variety of professional contexts
  • Understand the human and ethical implications of data science and integrate that knowledge into the design and execution of their work