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This page contains information about fellowships and scholarships that CMSE graduate students, as well as students in related subjects, may be particularly qualified for.  The listed deadlines are approximate - check the website for each grant for the official deadline!  If you intend to apply for one of these fellowships and would like feedback on your application, please feel free to contact the CMSE Graduate Director.


Additional fellowship and scholarship listings can be found in the following places:


National fellowships of particular interest


ACM SIGHPC/INTEL Computational & Data Science Fellowship

  • Website:  http://www.sighpc.org/fellowships
  • Benefits:  up to $15K annually for up to 5 years
  • Eligibility:  (1) A woman and/or member of a racial or ethnic group that is currently underrepresented in computing fields, (2) who is pursuing a graduate degree (Master's or PhD) in computational or data science, and (3) who has completed less than half of their planned program of study.
  • Application deadline:  April 30 (in 2017; may vary slightly)
  • Notes:  Department may submit only one; contact CMSE grad director.

DOD National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)

  • Website:  https://ndseg.asee.org/
  • Benefits:  up to 3 years of tuition, fees, and insurance, as well as a monthly stipend
  • Eligibility:  (1) U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in one of fifteen disciplines, including computational science.  (2) Completing their undergraduate degree in the year of application, or are a first or second year of overall graduate studies.  
  • Application deadline:  Early December
  • Notes:  n/a


DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

  • Website:  https://www.krellinst.org/csgf/
  • Benefits:  Yearly stiped of $36K + tuition/fees, academic allowances each year, practicum at a national lab, annual conference, for up to 4 years.
  • Eligibility:  (1) U.S. citizens and nationals, (2) Undergraduate seniors or 1st year graduate students (M.S. students may apply; PhD students who apply may not have a M.S. already).  (3) Open to students in a wide range of areas in computational and data science.
  • Application deadline: typically early February 
  • Notes:  Application opens up in late October


DOE Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship

  • Website:  https://www.krellinst.org/ssgf/
  • Benefits:  Up to four years of $36K yearly stipend, tuition and fees, $1K of research expenses, research practicum at a DOE national defense laboratory.
  • Eligibility:  US citizen or permanent resident (1) Pursuing a full-time doctoral degree at a US university, (2) are a senior undergraduate or first or second year of graduate school, and (3) are working in high energy density phsyics, nuclear science, or materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics.
  • Application deadline:  typically in January/February
  • Notes:  Application opens up in October


Department of Homeland Security Fellowship

  • Website:  https://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-careers/students
  • Benefits:  Varies tremendously based on subject area; see website.
  • Eligibility:  Typically must be a U.S. citizen and able to obtain a security clearance (i.e., no felonies)
  • Application deadline:  Varies
  • Notes:  n/a


Ford Foundation International Fellowship

  • Website:  http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/fordfellowships/
  • Benefits:  Predoctoral, dissertationa, and postdoctoral fellowships available.  Predoctoral fellowship is a $24K stipend for 3 years within a 5-year period.
  • Eligibility:  US citizen or permanent resident (1) Pursuing a full-time doctoral degree at a US university, (2) have at least three years of graduate study remaining, (3) are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college/univeristy level, (4) member of an under-represented group in their field of study in the American professoriate.
  • Application deadline:  Early December
  • Notes:  n/a


Hertz Foundation fellowship

  • Website:  http://hertzfoundation.org/dx/fellowships/fellowshipaward.aspx
  • Benefits:  $32K annual stipend, plus tuition/fees for up to 5 years
  • Eligibility:  (1) Must be students of the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences or mathematics, (2) U.S. citizens or permanent residents, (3) senior undergraduates or first year graduate students, (4) who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency
  • Application deadline:  late October, 2017
  • Notes:  There are several variations of fellowships; consult the website for detailed information.


NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF)

  • Website:  Go to http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/open and search for "NESSF"
  • Benefits:  Approx. $35K stipend + tuition/fees for up to 3 years.
  • Eligibility:  (1) Individuals pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in NASA-relevant fields from US institutions, (2) applying at any time during their graduate work or as a senior.  (3) US citizenship/permanent residence is not mandatory, but will receive preferences.
  • Application deadline:  Typically late January/early February
  • Notes: Typically opens in November


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

  • Website:  https://www.nsfgrfp.org/
  • Benefits:  $34K annual stipend, tuition/fees for up to three years during a five-year funding period
  • Eligibility:  (1) Individuals pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in NSF-relevant fields from US institutions, (2) applying as a senior or a single time during their first or second year of graduate school, (3) US citizenship/permanent residence required
  • Application deadline:  late October
  • Notes:  Application opens in early August 


Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transforming Defense (SMART) program

  • Website:  http://smart.asee.org/
  • Benefits:  Stipend of $25K-$38K dependeing on degree pursued, tuition/fees/insurance, $1K supplies allowance, summer research internship, employment placement at a DoD facility after graduation.  No max duration specified.
  • Eligibility:  (1) citizen of the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or U.K, (2) able to participate in summer internships at a DoD facility, (3) willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD, and (4) pursuing a technical undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the DoD (this includes computational sciences)
  • Application deadline:  December 1
  • Notes:  For each academic year of a Participant's award, he/she is required to commit to one year (12 months) of civilian employment with the DoD.